Artifact: LBD
Written on Wednesday, January 22, 2014 by Unknown
This is a rhetoric thesis. As rhetoric theses go, they usually need an artifact that the student will critique in some way. And when I say artifact, I don't mean in the archeological way. In my case it just needs to be some piece of media that I can analyze. Seems fairly simple. But theses also usually need to have an argument or take a stance in some way and I haven't quite gotten that far yet. One step at a time.
So my artifact. I wanted something fun. Something I would actually enjoy writing about during my last semester of college without turning into something like this:

Instead, I'd much rather be like this:
And so I decided that my best option would be to pick something that I loved, that I also didn't really mind ruining. The thing about being a rhetoric major is that you tend to ruin almost everything you analyze. Films, TV shows, books, people, abstract concepts, you name it and rhetoric can ruin it. But it can also make it so much better, and it can open your eyes to things you never would have even considered. It's a love/hate relationship of sorts.
With that in mind I decided that I also wanted to be unique. Anyone can write about a movie. I wanted to write about something newer, something innovative. I wanted to write about webseries and transmedia.
The web show that I have chosen as my artifact is The Lizzie Bennet Diaries. Let the memes and gifs commence!


love gifs