Transmedia: All of the *bleeping* websites
Written on Wednesday, February 05, 2014 by Unknown
Before explaining the transmedia aspect of The Lizzie Bennet Diaries, I first need to provide some basic information. I also want to make it abundantly clear how crazily intense this experience was as I was participating live. There were an extraordinary amount of internet outlets to follow and it was by far the most immersive transmedia experience I had ever engaged in.
In total, the Lizzie Bennet Diaries ran 42 different web pages (excluding sub-pages, such as on the official website). This also excludes any personal accounts by the creators or any other web sites that were not a part of the overall storytelling or universe. It took a long time to find every single one. But here they are:
Note: other than clustering similar ones together, they are in no particular order.
Phew. I feel tired just looking at that. Kudos LBD team. Kudos.
love her.
Video 1 is outstanding!