Analysis: Timelines Revisited
Written on Friday, April 18, 2014 by Unknown
Holy guacamole.
I just made something epic.
An overly detailed, uber comprehensive Lizzie Bennet Diaries timeline. Tweets and relevant tumblr posts included!
And it took forever. I'm getting tired again just looking at it.
For any of the fans out there please let me know if there are any mistakes. I will fix them. And I will try to make the sizing and such better. But not right now. Later. Definitely later.
Some of my decisions on this have reasons, and some of it is off because the official website actually has a lot of little mistakes (that would only really matter to someone like me who would bother to make something like this). But still. It's totally awesome isn't it?

Haha I just had to do that.

P.S. Anyone know how to upload a really large version of my timeline pic? I have a super zoomed in one but blogger is not cooperating. Nor is facebook, tinypic, g+...
Help please.