A Letter
Written on Tuesday, December 24, 2013 by Unknown
Dear Thesis,
What the hell am I going to do with you?
I'm sorry for being so brash thesis, but it's the truth. I have until Friday to come up with something for my advisor, and I've got about as many ideas as I have Christmas presents. (Just in case you were wondering Thesis, I'm Jew-ish so I have no Christmas presents.)
So what do I do? How do you throw around ideas for this kind of thing? I tried that with my parents, and while they do have some good theories and such, nothing they suggested is anything more than a long paper. And frankly Thesis, I want you to be so much more than that. Well, at least a little more than that. I want you to have some transmedia element other than this blog. I want you to have a video component or some other out-of-the-box type thing. I would love to make a web show, but how the hell do I incorporate that sort of thing? Can I do a web show that documents (or mockuments) the thesis process? Maybe, but I definitely don't want to be the subject. I'll write, direct, shoot, edit, etc. but I will not act. I mean, I want you to be good Thesis, and with me acting it would be total crap. No lies. I can tell a good story though, but that's not acting and I only have so many stories.
One video idea that I've had for some time revolves around people telling stories, but I can't think of a way to trasmedify that. Again, I could document it documentary-style. Like tweet about my process and shit, but that sounds so boring. Just thinking about it made me roll my eyes. But then again, I guess I've been doing that a lot lately with all this Christmas music playing non-stop and Christmas movies on every channel. But I guess that's what an iPod and Netflix are for.
But back to you thesis. What to do, what to do... Let's play the what if game.
- What if I made a web show?
- Ok, but it would have to be relevant.
- What if I used that web show to help my argument?
- Ok, but it would again have to be relevant.
- What if the web show proved some kind of point that I was trying to argue?
- Ok, that could be good because evidence is good.
- What if the argument was about how transmedia is better for audience immersion than not transmedia?
- Ok, but can you take that a step further?
- What if the argument was about how creators transmedia is better than industry transmedia? (see this post, and yes I know I said I would expand it)
- Ok, but you don't work for the industry and you aren't a creator yet, and besides there are plenty of existing examples that you could use to better argue this.
- What if this was like a science experiment where you had a hypothesis and put it to the test via the show and accompanying transmedia?
- Ok, but what the hell is my hypothesis and why do I need to test it instead of relying on preexisting examples?
- What if you were testing transmedia from the audience's standpoint instead of the creator's?
- Ok, but I basically do that every day when I participate in other peoples transmedia work and how does that help?
- What if you were testing it from the creator's standpoint instead of the audience?
- Ok like can I get viewers, is this spreadable media, do people want to participate, how much effort is required on a weekly basis, and that sort of stuff?
- What if your thesis was more science-y and you argued that the yet to be named in-between (creators and industry) version of transmedia is the best version because a) they care more about content and less about money, b) it is still important to get views and shares in order to keep the show going, c) anyone can do it so there are fewer rules, and d) I can do it and here were my results and the feedback that I gained from the experience?
- Ok, but I guess that isn't totally science-y because I was still looking for a hypothesis in there somewhere, but this is totally progress.
- What if you were hit by the Amazing Idea Asteroid tomorrow and got a way more concise, intelligent, and all around better version of the proposal above?
- Then my life would be complete, and so would you Thesis.
Well, at least I'm going forward.
And yes, I think transmedify should be a word. Upon googling I found "no results" so hopefully it will pick up soon.
Until next time.