Transmedia Experiment
Written on Thursday, December 19, 2013 by Unknown
I am a Rhetoric student. I love transmedia. So why not take the two and put them together?
In January I start my final semester of college. And I have to write a thesis.
"A thesis?" you say, "Sounds rough."
Yea thanks, I had no freakin' idea. Never would have guessed that something that takes at least a whole semester could be difficult to do.
But alas, I must prevail. So I have decided to write about transmedia! Woo! Sounds cool right? Well, I think it sounds cool. And it could be fun.
"Yea, that's great that you're excited and whatever, but how the hell are you going to write about that?"
I'm not quite sure yet. But I'm working on it.
"What do you mean you aren't sure? Shouldn't you know by know? Aren't you starting soon?"
Yes. I know. Now stop asking me difficult questions.
"What even is 'transmedia' anyway?"
Definition here.
Look, here's my plan. I need to write about something that I care about or else I will spend the second half of my senior year in some sort of endless boring torture. I can't think of some witty comparison about torture right now because I am currently on break and my brain is mush. But whatever, this is just a first post to get me going.
Anyway, I want to incorporate a transmedia element into my thesis. Well, really I want to create a web show but I'm not sure if I have that kind of time. But as I said, I'm working on it. I just need an idea or something. You know, that really important part of the project that can prevent you from moving forward even though you finally have an ounce of motivation lying around that's about to go stale so you should really use it while you can. Yup. I need an idea.
I'll keep you posted imaginary internet followers. And the supposed co-creator of this blog who hasn't been on it since she and I first started messing around with it over the summer. I'm kinda taking it over for now. Shhhh, don't tell.
Any suggestions on how I should proceed are always welcome.