History: The Cast - The Darcys and The Lees
Written on Saturday, March 01, 2014 by Unknown
(A note before you read: Not all credits for the actors are included. I just pick select ones. If you want to see them all that's what IMDb is for. I also use the shorthand "ns" to describe a non-starring TV role. Sorry it's confusing.)
While I listed them in alphabetical order in the title, I am actually going to dive in backwards and start with the Lees.
First we have Mr. Snickerdoodles:
Otherwise known as Bing Lee. And yes, you read that correctly. Why is he named that way? You can find out here. Did I like this choice? Yes I liked the casting choice, no I didn't love the name change. Did I get over it? Absolutely.
This adorable man is played by Christopher Sean. I mean, don't you just want to "awww" every time that gif restarts? No? Maybe that's just me.
> Christopher, born Christopher Sean Friel, is an actor and the co-founder of Between the Lines Productions. He is also a writer for the production company where he wrote and starred in their Twilight parody film Twiharder (sidenote: is that brownface I see? Uncool, Chris). Other credits include The Bold and the Beautiful (TV, ns), Hollywood Heights (TV, ns), The Mindy Project (TV, ns), and Hawaii Five-0 (TV, ns). Bonus fun facts: he is 5'11" and trained in martial arts.
Now for Lee No. 2...
I feel like she should get some kind of nickname too. Sneaky Lee? Caroliar? The Hair Flipper?
Seriously there should really be more hair flipping gifs of her out there.
Caroline Lee, sister of Bing, is played by Jessica Jade Andres. I like people with three names. Sounds classy.
> Jessica is of Filipina descent but is originally from Minnesota. Jessica is super fancy, having graduated from NYU's Tisch School of the Arts. You go girl! That is a tough program to get into. So Jessica is an actress and occasional producer, with some solid credits so far. She has been on Gossip Girl (TV, ns), Just Go With It (film), Sugar (film), Orenthal: The Musical (film), Improv (TV, ns), and a number of short films. She was also cast as Suki in The Last Airbender (film), but her scenes were unfortunately cut. What a bummer. Jessica also does theater and performed in the improv theater show Accomplice Hollywood.
Next, and probably most importantly to certain fans, we come to... *drum roll*... THE DARCYS!
Yes, I will save the best for last. (No offense Allison.)
So here's the littlest Darcy:
Gigi Darcy (I can't not read her first name in Darcy's voice where he accents it funny and then not giggle) is played by Allison Paige. Not a whole lot of gifs of her, which is odd because she definitely has some of the cutest moments on the show when she tries to force our favorite ships together. Too bad, because sometimes she is just too good.
Okay fine, here's an example:
[via www.leakynews.com]
Lol. I wonder if that ever trended.
> Allison hails from Pittsburgh and isn't just an actress. She's also a dancer! She studied at the Broadway Dance Center in New York. Allison also does some modelling as well. Her credits include: Heroes (guest), Detention (film), Fear Not (film), Nesting (film), The Grounds (soon to be released film), and she had a recurring role on Days of our Lives. Not only does she appear in LBD, but she also has a significant role in the subsequent series Welcome to Sanditon.
Last - but certainly not least - is Darvid himself. Or perhaps he prefers Darcybot? Really I think it depends on the day.
And once again, I can't just use ONE gif. Actually, strike that. Forget the gifs. Time for the MEMES! There are a whole set of them branded as "Socially Awkward Darcy."
Here are some of those gems:

Oh Daniel Vincent Gordh. You and your three names will forever be memed on the interwebs. I already used my favorite SAD meme in a previous post, but these are still great. And there are always more just waiting to be found. But in the mean time, here is some info on the man that plays William Darcy. Definitely one of my top favorite incarnations of all time. Anyway...
> Daniel is a member of SAG and stands at 6'1". Yes, he is over 6 feet tall. Yes, he did have to sit on a seat lower to the ground when he did scenes with Ashley. Yes, that is hilarious to imagine. Like Ashley he is also trained in some interesting dialects. I'm assuming he learned some of those from his alma matter, USCD. Awesomely enough he also was a 5-time winning All-American competitive springboard diver. How cool is that? And he can sing and do basic acrobatics. This guy has a great resume. Daniel has starred in: Hipsterhood (webseries, 2nd season guest), Agents of Cracked (webseries) as well as other cracked.com videos, Cold Case (TV, ns), Mad Men (TV, ns), Hollywood Acting Studio (webseries), and various short films and plays. Daniel also founded the Natural Disastronauts sketch comedy troupe. He is very accomplished.
So that's it for this post. Oh, you want more? Okay fine. Here is the exact OPPOSITE of Socially Awkward Darcy, also known as Super Attractive Darcy. Wait, that still spells SAD... Hmmm... I should work on that...
He can defeat Batman any day.
I think this is an excellent stopping point.

Caroliar? Flipping hair. lol