Video #1: Narrative Theory - Kernels and Satellites
Written on Monday, March 10, 2014 by Unknown
My first video is officially complete.
You can watch it here:
Why I made it:
1. It was fun.
2. It adds to the transmedia aspect of the thesis.
3. It allowed me to discuss some semi-boring stuff in a less boring way.
This video is inspired by the Draw My Life videos that became really popular last year. Honestly, it seemed like an easy way to approach this subject so that it wouldn't just be me talking to a camera, explaining a bunch of complicated things.
How I made it:
1. GoPro + whiteboard + printouts + other props + some serious lighting + Final Cut Pro X + voice over
2. A lot of books, articles, and research went into this. They can be found in my bibliography and in the video's description.
3. Patience. Or as much as I could muster.
This was actually much more difficult than I had anticipated. I ran into a lot of unexpected problems. It was also the first time I had ever used the GoPro, and the studio and lighting equipment from my school. I also had never done a video like this before and probably overcompensated in terms of preparation, but that actually may have saved me some headaches.
It was a time suck, the result is not really what I wanted, the video goes too quickly sometimes and too slowly at other times, and overall I wouldn't call this my finest hour. But hey, I learned a lot from this one experience, and I'm glad I did it. The video isn't my best work, but it isn't horrible either. Maybe someone else might find it to be useful. Who knows.
So Danny, stop complaining. You worked hard. You did fine.
I may end up doing a second (very brief) one where I expand on the different types of kernel and satellite scenes. But not right now. Later. After I've had a mental break.
Until next time.

I love it! I think it's funny, clear, and works well to explain -- loved the metaphors - and who knew you could draw!
Seriously, I'll use it!
I can't really draw that well so I cheated and used printouts. I actually had a version where I drew Barthes and Chatman but then I was like, nah I shouldn't.
And yea, I wanted it to be as clear as possible and also retain some of my opinions and such. Glad you liked it.