Transmedia: Timelines
Written on Monday, March 03, 2014 by Unknown
This post is a work in progress.
So The Lizzie Bennet Diaries all happens in about a year. There are a variety of outlets where you can follow along, and I've already compiled a list of all of the websites.
On the official LBD website, there is also a link that allows you to catch up from the beginning.
But I think we need another kind of timeline. Or perhaps a few timelines. My analysis section will likely have me looking at the narrative in new ways, so I think a visual could really help me.
One fan has already created something (click to enlarge):
The color code:
"The main line are Lizzie’s videos, each color representing a location
(Lizzie’s room, vidcon, Netherfield, Collins&Collins, Pemberley
Digital and the Den), the stripes are Q&A videos.
Pink, on top, is for Lydia’s videos, and the two blues under are for Maria’s videos and domino/Gigi’s videos respectively."
This timeline was created by a tumblr user, on the blog "Dancing in the Moonlight".
While I like it, I will probably try to make my own more detailed version, and possibly a few others that will include some of the social media accounts and not just the videos.
I've gotta know what I'm looking at before I start making any assumptions.
If I make my own images, they will be posted here.
UPDATE: I finally did it! Here is my very own version of an LBD timeline! It took forever, but it's done.
UPDATE: I finally did it! Here is my very own version of an LBD timeline! It took forever, but it's done.