Some awesomeness just because
Written on Sunday, March 02, 2014 by Unknown
In honor of finishing one of my sections, I feel I deserve a reward. And my reward will be posting something just for fun.
So here it is...
Last year a mega fan got creative and decided to make LBD-opoly. Probably the best decision she's ever made. And I hope she doesn't mind me re-blogging the photos. They are just too amazing to link to.
The creator's name is Katie. She is from Wisconsin. This is her tumblr.
This is her post with her LBD-opoly photos. If you want to make one just like it, you can download it from her here. You can also see a video if you want.
And finally here is LBD-opoly in all of its glory:
The creator's name is Katie. She is from Wisconsin. This is her tumblr.
This is her post with her LBD-opoly photos. If you want to make one just like it, you can download it from her here. You can also see a video if you want.
And finally here is LBD-opoly in all of its glory:
I believe that is Katie in the photo above.
And if you want to see more closeups of the cards and such then you can check them out here. This is some truly amazing stuff. I would actually buy this.
Spectacular job, Katie. Two thumbs up.

*typo: you would actually (buy) this...
This is INCREDIBLE. Did people on the show respond at all. This is a BIG investment. Wow. Talk about fan loyalty.... and the kickstarter demonstrates they spend their money... implications?
typo fixed!
Yea the creators and cast and such all saw this and reblogged it a lot. They were excited that someone went so far to create something so complex and unique. But they aren't selling it or anything. She chose to make it available to anyone who wants to download the templates and make it themselves.
And the kickstarter definitely demonstrated that they were willing to pay up and chip in. I'll have to think more about the implications of that. But it is amazing what you can get from fans when you ask, and clearly also when you don't ask.