History: The Cast - The Lus and The Other Men
Written on Sunday, March 02, 2014 by Unknown
(Once again please note that not all credits for actors are included. And "ns" means non-starring role. This is the final post about the cast.)
Oh, Charlotte. You are definitely one of my favorite characters. You tell it like it is.
Plus you totally knew it.
[via thelbdiaries.tumblr.com]
Well I totally knew it too, but for different reasons. #ItWasABookFirstAfterAll
Ah, so many good gif sets. Too bad I actually need to write stuff. If I could I would just keep posting all of your great moments. But alas, I must move on.
So anyway, Julia Cho plays BFF and sidekick Charlotte Lu.
> Julia seems to wear quite a few hats. She is an actress, producer, a founded member of Artists at Play (a theater group, and probably does many other things as well that I have yet to discover. She has many skills such as signing, dancing, and piano (12 years! whoa!). She is fluent in Korean and can also do an assortment of accents. All in all she seems well trained and has a good chunk of credits (and some awards) to back her up. Julia has appeared on I'm in the Band (TV, ns), Hannah Montana (TV, ns), The Fresh Beat Band (TV, ns), Larry Crowne (Film), Whitney (TV, ns), Work It (TV, ns), Don't Trust the B In Apt 23 (TV, ns), Good Luck Charlie (TV, ns), Enlightened (TV, ns), Cougar Town (TV, ns), The Office (TV, ns), The Newsroom (TV, ns), 2 Broke Girls (TV, ns), It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia (TV, ns), Castle (TV, ns), and has had a recurring role on Scandal (TV). Damn Julia, that is a lot of recognizable work. Color me impressed. She has also been in a handful of films that I don't recognize, and a variety theater performances as well. Apparently Julia can do improv, which is not surprising based on her awesome moments in LBD. Julia also hopped on as producer to the excellent web show Hipsterhood (and she also briefly appeared in an episode). Man, I'm getting tired just from writing this. No wonder I loved Charlotte so much. Julia is awesome.
Fun fact, the role of Charlotte was done via color-blind casting. The producers loved Julia so much that they decided to make her and her faux sister into the Lu girls, as apposed to the Lucas girls. Good choice Bernie!
Going forward, we come to Maria Lu.
Unfortunately, Maria is really more of a minor character so there aren't really any gifs or memes out there of her. There are plenty of screenshots though. Here's a cute one:
Maria is played by Janice Lee. She primarily appears in her own little spin-off show. While it doesn't really add much to the main storyline, it is a great example of what I like about transmedia. It isn't that her story is completely necessary, it's that it exists at all. It doesn't further the plot, but it expands the universe. For example, if you want a better understand of Charlotte's life, you can learn about her sister. You don't need to know about her sister, but she is a part of the LBD universe that fans want to be immersed in. I don't know if that really made sense, so I'll just talk about Janice now.
> Janice clocks in at 5'1", is Chinese-Korean American, and has a B.S. Business Administration-Marketing from San Francisco State University. While she doesn't have a whole lot of acting work under her belt, I think that she's already accomplished a lot by getting that degree. Janice has appeared in Sync (Film), None of Them Will Collect My Soul (Short), and A Deal's A Deal (Short). It's still very early in her career so I'm excited to see where it might go. Other fun facts include: she is a die hard Harry Potter fan and enjoys baking.
Well, it looks like I'm all done with the core families. But there are still some men that need to be discussed.
First and foremost there is Mr. Ricky Collins. I'm already thinking "ugh" as I type his name. Not that the actor who plays him is bad, actually he plays him very well. He plays him perhaps a little too well, making the character just as annoying as he ought to be (maybe even more so).
I also just want to make a little note here about the best LBD fan comment I have ever read. I don't remember where or when I saw it, but I copied it down because it was so good. Someone wrote:
"I find Ricky Collins a little Austentacious."
I just about died.
Too good, my friend. Too good.
So Mr. Collins is played by Maxwell Glick.
> I just learned something amazing about Maxwell just now. HE READS FOR AUDIOBOOKS. How cool is that!? And he's actually really good. He does mostly YA novels, which isn't surprising because his voice is well suited for it. I mean it's great that he acts and does other stuff, but this fact is definitely the most interesting thing about him right now. In my opinion anyway. Okay, I know, I need to tell you some other facts too. Maxwell is 5'7" and a Boston College Alum. He has a solid online presence having also appeared in lonleygirl15 and School of Thrones (both web shows). And he frequently interacts with fans, often through the username mrcheezypop (which is also his YouTube channel that he updates regularly). Other internet credits include Prop 8: The Web Series, Movie Mob, Night of the Zombie King, Broken Toy, and more. Some TV credits include The Office (ns), Castle (ns), and The Mentalist (ns). But still, the audiobooks are the coolest (even if I don't know any of the books he's read).
Well Max certainly knows how to play irritating, but I don't know how well he can do sleazy. Of course, that was the job of our next fella.
Here is the one and only villain on LBD:
Sorry not sorry. Had to do it.
I'm sure some of you are like "I can't belive that guy was a villain!"
Believe it girls. This is what evil looks like:

Fun fact, the role of Charlotte was done via color-blind casting. The producers loved Julia so much that they decided to make her and her faux sister into the Lu girls, as apposed to the Lucas girls. Good choice Bernie!
Going forward, we come to Maria Lu.
Unfortunately, Maria is really more of a minor character so there aren't really any gifs or memes out there of her. There are plenty of screenshots though. Here's a cute one:
Maria is played by Janice Lee. She primarily appears in her own little spin-off show. While it doesn't really add much to the main storyline, it is a great example of what I like about transmedia. It isn't that her story is completely necessary, it's that it exists at all. It doesn't further the plot, but it expands the universe. For example, if you want a better understand of Charlotte's life, you can learn about her sister. You don't need to know about her sister, but she is a part of the LBD universe that fans want to be immersed in. I don't know if that really made sense, so I'll just talk about Janice now.
> Janice clocks in at 5'1", is Chinese-Korean American, and has a B.S. Business Administration-Marketing from San Francisco State University. While she doesn't have a whole lot of acting work under her belt, I think that she's already accomplished a lot by getting that degree. Janice has appeared in Sync (Film), None of Them Will Collect My Soul (Short), and A Deal's A Deal (Short). It's still very early in her career so I'm excited to see where it might go. Other fun facts include: she is a die hard Harry Potter fan and enjoys baking.
Well, it looks like I'm all done with the core families. But there are still some men that need to be discussed.
First and foremost there is Mr. Ricky Collins. I'm already thinking "ugh" as I type his name. Not that the actor who plays him is bad, actually he plays him very well. He plays him perhaps a little too well, making the character just as annoying as he ought to be (maybe even more so).
I also just want to make a little note here about the best LBD fan comment I have ever read. I don't remember where or when I saw it, but I copied it down because it was so good. Someone wrote:
"I find Ricky Collins a little Austentacious."
I just about died.
[via www.snugglyoranges.com]
Too good, my friend. Too good.
So Mr. Collins is played by Maxwell Glick.
> I just learned something amazing about Maxwell just now. HE READS FOR AUDIOBOOKS. How cool is that!? And he's actually really good. He does mostly YA novels, which isn't surprising because his voice is well suited for it. I mean it's great that he acts and does other stuff, but this fact is definitely the most interesting thing about him right now. In my opinion anyway. Okay, I know, I need to tell you some other facts too. Maxwell is 5'7" and a Boston College Alum. He has a solid online presence having also appeared in lonleygirl15 and School of Thrones (both web shows). And he frequently interacts with fans, often through the username mrcheezypop (which is also his YouTube channel that he updates regularly). Other internet credits include Prop 8: The Web Series, Movie Mob, Night of the Zombie King, Broken Toy, and more. Some TV credits include The Office (ns), Castle (ns), and The Mentalist (ns). But still, the audiobooks are the coolest (even if I don't know any of the books he's read).
Well Max certainly knows how to play irritating, but I don't know how well he can do sleazy. Of course, that was the job of our next fella.
Here is the one and only villain on LBD:
[via ringo-ish.org]
Sorry not sorry. Had to do it.
I'm sure some of you are like "I can't belive that guy was a villain!"
Believe it girls. This is what evil looks like:
Okay, maybe not evil. But definitely a sleazebag. Sorry Wes Aderhold. We know it isn't you in real life, it's just your character. George Wickham is not cool in my book, but I'm sure you are.
> Wes' real name is actually Thomas Wesley Aderhold. And I don't know why I've been including people's heights, but he's 5'11". Wes graduated with an MFA from the University of Oklahoma. Fun fact: he went to theater school with Laura Spencer (aka. Jane Bennet). Aside from acting, Wes is also interested in writing. He also seems like the kind of guy that's done some modeling, but I have no proof of that being an official thing. Just a lot of pretty photos when you do a google image search. Some of Wes' credits include: the lead in the Nickelodeon TV movie Wonder Girls, Prick (Short Film), Body of Proof (TV, ns), Lookbook (Webseries), Character (Webseries), various plays, and some commercials. He also apparently trained with the Grounldings which is awesome as they are known for spewing out many excellent comedians. He can also sing, dance, do some gymnastics, accents, and probably a lot of other stuff too. Seriously though, if he hasn't modeled I'm sure he will. I mean, do you need to go back to that shirtless gif? It's just bound to happen.
Last but certainly not least is our best buddy Fitz Williams.
If I could ever get a care package from Fitz, I'm sure I'd love it. And besides, who doesn't love Darcy's costume theater version of him.
[via rebloggy.com and mollytheghost.wordpress.com]
I think that's accurate. As is this:
[via thelbdiaries.tumblr.com]
Oh Fitz. He is played by Craig Frank.
> Are you perhaps wondering right now why Craig looks so familiar? Maybe you swear you've seen him somewhere before but you just cant put your finger on it? Well that's probably because Craig is the token black guy in like ALMOST EVERY COMMERCIAL EVER. Digiorno? Check. KFC? Check. Nokia Lumia? Check. Samsung? Check. More Samsung? Check. More Digiorno? Check. What about Coke Zero? Check. Oh yea, I wasn't kidding. And there are plenty more where that came from. But I should move on. So Craig's page on the LBD official website is funny but useless. IMDb is more helpful, telling me he is 5'10" and goes by the nicknames Vigo and King Busser Upper. Don't know what those mean. Some of Craig's other credits that aren't commercials include: Weeds (TV, ns), Private High Musical (Webseries), Craig and the Werewolf (Webseries), The Crew (Webseries), Compulsions (Webseries, created by Bernie Su!), Victorious (TV, ns), The Young and the Restless (TV, ns), A Good Knight's Quest (Webseries), Video Game Reunion (Webseries), 2 Broke Girls (TV, ns), Up All Night (TV, ns), 8.13 (Webseries), and currently stars in the brand new TV show Mixology. He has quite a few other webseries credits and seems to have had the most experience in that field than any other cast member did going into LBD. I hope his new show does well. I've already seen the first two episodes and it looks promising.
That was a lot of information.
But the history about the cast is now complete! Yay! Thanks for reading this far.
[via rebloggy.com]