The Extra Post
Written on Sunday, March 02, 2014 by Unknown
I've decided to dub this "The Extra Post"
Basically, if I think I've forgotten something important or if I run across some new information that doesn't fit into any previous categories, this is where it will go.
Like this little nugget for example:
In the show there is a sex tape scandal. Obviously not a real one because it's scripted. But there was a website and everything. You can find it (although it no longer works because it gets taken down in the storyline) on my list of links post. Anyway, for fun (well at least I hope so because I know that some people did think the show was serious/real) some fans created a petition to get it taken down. Here is that link.
Random, right?
But still pretty cool.
There's a lot of stuff like that. I'll add to this post as I see fit.


comments are interesting too - it only got 50 signatures though -- is that significant? More importantly -- did you sign?
I think it's interesting when the fact/fiction line blurs with the characters... fans sure get defensive!
No, sadly I did not. I found it after the fact.
And the fact/fiction has actually blurred a lot with this show. Some people actually thought it was real because the fake businesses and such had actual websites. Crazy.